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Logic Srl was founded in 1999 as an independent company specialized in supporting Clinical Engineering services and Global Service Companies.
Logic today represents a strategic partner in Italy and internationally for the supply of spare parts, consumables and accessories dedicated to biomedical equipment.

In 2016, Logic completed the acquisition of Sonos Europe Srl enricheing its offer proposing the sale and repair of ultrasound probes [ read more ]. In this way, specialized technical assistance has acquired further impetus, becoming a characterizing element of the company
"The Republic protects health as a fundamental right of the individual and in the interest of the community, and guarantees free healthcare to the indigent" (Art.32 of the Constitution). 
Health is a fundamental right of every person, and in order to provide an adequate level of health care in every country, specific actions based on the sharing of resources, skills and knowledge are needed.
To achieve this goal, LOGIC is committed to creating a network for the design of hospitals, clinics and the supply of medical devices capable of meeting international standards even in developing countries.
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In detail, starting from a feasibility study, LOGIC deals with International Projects concerning:

  • The conception of health centers and hospitals,

  • The transfer of knowledge through specific training for healthcare, technical and administrative personnel,

  • The supply of medical equipment and certificates of medical supplies.



Logic Srl is a founding member of the”Higher Technical Institute for the new technologies of life Alessandro Volta” and adhering to the BioHighTech Net business network for the development of training activities dedicated to the teaching support of young people. The aim is to offer the new generations the tools and opportunities for their entry into the world of work through constant training activities linked to technological areas considered strategic for economic development and national competitiveness in the healthcare sector.  

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Via Pigafetta, 1-34147-Trieste
Phone +39 040 3407340
CF & VAT number 00977960327

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